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SDK Setup

11-21-2011 04:48 PM
Emerging Contributor
I ran into a couple of hiccups setting up the Beta SDK -- maybe this will help some people.

I set up with the latest version of Eclipse Classic, and the android SDK 15. My target will shortly be the ASUS TF101 Transformer and the Samsung Galaxy IIS Android Smartphone -- assuming this all works.

My Machine is Windows 7, 64 Bit AMD four core Processor, 8GB memory.

I kept running out of memory while trying to compile apps...  (GC Overhead)

So I found a website which recommended two changes and two additions -- to the eclipse.ini (remember ini files?) It's directly inside the eclipse directory -- easy to find.

The last two lines are the additions...




It was also complaining that I had to fix the project properties. It said I needed to invoke the Android Tools.

I finally found it at the Project/app root node -- right click and the "Android Tools" item appears -- at the bottom of the list. This would be the "Hello World" node at the left -- the first entry if you have only one app loaded -- that you right click.

Then you can choose the "Fix Project Properties"

As I recall it was complaining that I needed a later revision of something-or-other.

For your first trial don't load up your emulator with a lot of features -- just follow the directions in the Hello World Sample Help.

The emulators can be real slooowww to load even on a fast machine.

Other than that running fine.
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1 Reply
Deactivated User
are you running this on AVD?..can you post some screen shots of your AVD setup?..Im getting some errors on running the HelloWorldMap sample on AVD..hope you can help.. thanks!!
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