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Question about TileInfo and LevelOfDetail classes

06-21-2017 06:33 AM
New Contributor II

I need to create an ArcGISTiledLayer with a default Tile and Extent to achieve this I'm trying to use the TileInfo and LevelOfDetail classes. However I can't find any good examples or documentation on how to use these classes properly.

I looked in the API Reference but there doesn't seem to be any way to create a LevelOfDetail object? The LevelOfDetail class doesn't appear to have any constructors in the API Reference. I need to create an array of LevelOfDetail objects to put into the constructor for TileInfo. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Reply
Regular Contributor II

Hi Dexter Morgan‌,

In update 1 we are planning on adding a WebTileLayer class which will allow you to fetch features from a url formatted this way:


With this, new class, you can override the getTileUrl(TileKey tileKey) method in order to get the Column, Level, and Row from the tiled layer as requests are made to the service.  This should match similar functionality you were looking for in the previous release.

I hope this helps!

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