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Query features on ArcgisFeatureLayer

02-25-2015 11:42 AM
Emerging Contributor

I want to implement a Query search based on a String. For example search features that match "name='big'". I'm using Query but I've found the only way to retrieve data from the feature layer is doing mapView.setGeometry(myGeometry). I've tried featureLayer selectFeatures and featureLayer.queryFeatures with no success.


Is there some way to make a search on a feature layer without assigning a geometry to the query? thank you

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor

Hi Camilo.

The QueryTask takes a QueryParameters, which allows you to set a where clause, but you can chose not to use setGeometry. This should work for you.

Geometry is only required for spatial queries, or spatial + attribute. Sounds like all you want to do is query attributes.

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