Hi everyone,
We develop an android app that uses Portal for named user licence. When I want to listen portal load event. addDoneLoading listener is not called. Here is my code.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private MapView mMapView; private ProgressDialog pd; Portal portal; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); String theURL = "http://********.ibb.gov.tr"; //request that the Named User logs in with their credentials portal = new Portal(theURL, true); portal.setCredential(Utils.getUserCredentialsPortal()); portal.addDoneLoadingListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { LoadStatus ls = portal.getLoadStatus(); switch (ls) { case LOADING: Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Load Status 5 !!! " + portal.getLoadStatus().name(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); break; case LOADED: LicenseInfo licenseInfo = portal.getPortalInfo().getLicenseInfo(); ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.setLicense(licenseInfo); break; case NOT_LOADED: portal.retryLoadAsync(); Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Load Status 7!!! " + portal.getLoadStatus().name(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); pd.dismiss(); break; case FAILED_TO_LOAD: //portal.retryLoadAsync(); Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Load Status 8 !!! " + portal.getLoadStatus().name(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); pd.dismiss(); break; } } }); portal.loadAsync(); mMapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mapView); MapViewUtils.setUpBaseMap(mMapView, "https://************/arcgis/rest/services/RehberSB/MapServer", Utils.getUserCredentialsItfaiye()); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); mMapView.pause(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); mMapView.resume(); } }
How could I afford to call addDoneListener ?
Thanks for helpings.
Have you tried running this against ArcGIS Online and seeing if it calls the doneLoadingListener? Could it potentially be a portal configuration problem?