I am trying to publish a hosted feature layer.
In maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=4b99782b7dbb4cfba368b8af24fa522b#settings -> under Feature layer (hosted) settings, I check the "Enabel sync" checkbox and click "Save". Stuck on loading progress for a while after a notice is displayed (always):
What to do?
May I ask what application are you using to publish the feature layer?
I'm using ArcGIS Online. The feature service is published, I just want to enable sync for offline use.
I think you got the wrong forum. Since you're facing problem with enable sync on ArcGIS Online, I suggest you reach out to the Online team here -> https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-online-questions/bd-p/arcgis-online-questions with this Q and someone in that team would be able to help you.