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Offline editing and adding points

12-28-2011 11:48 PM
Emerging Contributor
is there in ArcGIS Runtime for Android support of offline adding and editing data? I want to use it in offline mode, for adding Points and indetifying points. And then I would like to be able to, at the end of the day, send it to my ArcGIS server to apply changes I have made during the day. Is it possible with ArcGIS Runtime API for Android?
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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

you could save your edits in a queue which could be hosted in an android service. This service would than listen to the connection (online /offline ) and send the edits to the server when the device is online. This could then be made with the arcgis android api.
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Occasional Contributor

I've exactly the same question. We need to provide offline adding, editing and deleting data (geometry and attributes). It isn't necessary to listen for the connection, since the user itself will determine when he uploads the data to the server.
So isn't there any possibility to save changes locally in the ArcGISFeatureLayer layer and then (e.g. when the user clicks on a button) apply the edits to the server?

Thanks in advance,
Sebastian Greifeneder
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Occasional Contributor
I've just received a mail from ESRI:
... However at 1.0.1 SDK release, we do not support offline editing. So you can�??t add/edit/delete data locally and commit the change once there is network connection.

I hope they will add offline editing in future releases ...

Best regards,
Sebastian Greifeneder
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