Hello every one. I'm new to ArcGIS and I want to add path(polyline) on the map after giving coordinates where to draw. I follow the guide Display Information -> add graphics and text. But not displaying the path and even not occur any error.
MapView mMapView = null;
// The basemap switching menu items.
MenuItem mStreetsMenuItem = null;
MenuItem mTopoMenuItem = null;
MenuItem mGrayMenuItem = null;
MenuItem mOceansMenuItem = null;
// Create MapOptions for each type of basemap.
final MapOptions mTopoBasemap = new MapOptions(MapType.TOPO);
final MapOptions mStreetsBasemap = new MapOptions(MapType.STREETS);
final MapOptions mGrayBasemap = new MapOptions(MapType.GRAY);
final MapOptions mOceansBasemap = new MapOptions(MapType.OCEANS);
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer tms = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer("http://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer");
// The current map extent, use to set the extent of the map after switching basemaps.
Polygon mCurrentMapExtent = null;
GraphicsLayer mLocationLayer;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Retrieve the map and initial extent from XML layout
mMapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.map);
mLocationLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
// Set the Esri logo to be visible, and enable map to wrap around date line.
SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(Color.GREEN, 3, SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE.DASH);
Polyline lineGeometry = new Polyline();
lineGeometry.startPath(-302557, 7570663);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-302959, 7570868);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-303042, 7571220);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-302700, 7571803);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-304043, 7576654);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-300544, 7585289);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-294365, 7592435);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-290122, 7594445);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-285283, 7595488);
Graphic lineGraphic = new Graphic(lineGeometry, lineSymbol);
// Set a listener for map status changes; this will be called when switching basemaps.
mMapView.setOnStatusChangedListener(new OnStatusChangedListener() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {
// Set the map extent once the map has been initialized, and the basemap is added
// or changed; this will be indicated by the layer initialization of the basemap layer. As there is only
// a single layer, there is no need to check the source object.
if ((source == mMapView) && (status == STATUS.INITIALIZED)) {
boolean mIsMapLoaded = true;
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items from the Menu XML to the action bar, if present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_gis2, menu);
// Get the basemap switching menu items.
mStreetsMenuItem = menu.getItem(0);
mTopoMenuItem = menu.getItem(1);
mGrayMenuItem = menu.getItem(2);
mOceansMenuItem = menu.getItem(3);
// Also set the topo basemap menu item to be checked, as this is the default.
return true;
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
// Save the current extent of the map before changing the map.
// mCurrentMapExtent = mMapView.getExtent();
// Handle menu item selection.
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case R.id.World_Street_Map:
return true;
case R.id.World_Topo:
return true;
case R.id.Gray:
return true;
case R.id.Ocean_Basemap:
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
protected void onPause() {
protected void onResume() {
Please help me on this. Thank you
I had the same problem (actually today like you ) and it occurs when the spatial references are not the same. This is how I solved it:
1. Make a field for the maps spatial reference
private SpatialReference mapSpatialReference;
2. Save the maps spatial reference in onCreateView. You need to do it this way to be sure the map is fully initialized before you try to get the value.
mapView = (MapView) view.findViewById(R.id.map);
mapView.setOnStatusChangedListener(new OnStatusChangedListener() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {
if (OnStatusChangedListener.STATUS.INITIALIZED == status && source == mapView) {
mapSpatialReference = mapView.getSpatialReference();
3. Check if the spatial references match and use a GeometryEngine to fix it if not.
if(route != null) {
for (Graphic graphic : route.getGraphics()) {
if (route.getSpatialReference().equals(mapSpatialReference)) {
SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(R.color.orange, 5, SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE.SOLID);
Polyline poly = (Polyline)graphic.getGeometry();
Graphic routeGraphic = new Graphic(poly, lineSymbol);
mapView.setExtent(routeGraphic.getGeometry(), 15);
SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(R.color.orange, 5, SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE.SOLID);
GeometryEngine engine = new GeometryEngine();
Polyline poly = (Polyline)engine.project(graphic.getGeometry(), route.getSpatialReference(), mapSpatialReference);
Graphic routeGraphic = new Graphic(poly, lineSymbol);
mapView.setExtent(routeGraphic.getGeometry(), 15);
Hope it helps.
Now I only have to find out why my polyline is black instead of orange and why the setExtent doesn't work. The latter is probobly also related to the spatial reference.
thnx a lot.. Here route means object from Route or another?
I just copied from a project I'm working on. The Route is a GPFeatureRecordSetLayer I get back from a service.
I try show in your code instead:
MapView mMapView = null;
// The basemap switching menu items.
MenuItem mStreetsMenuItem = null;
MenuItem mTopoMenuItem = null;
MenuItem mGrayMenuItem = null;
MenuItem mOceansMenuItem = null;
// Create MapOptions for each type of basemap.
final MapOptions mTopoBasemap = new MapOptions(MapOptions.MapType.TOPO);
final MapOptions mStreetsBasemap = new MapOptions(MapOptions.MapType.STREETS);
final MapOptions mGrayBasemap = new MapOptions(MapOptions.MapType.GRAY);
final MapOptions mOceansBasemap = new MapOptions(MapOptions.MapType.OCEANS);
// Here is the field for saving the maps spatial reference
private SpatialReference mapSpatialReference;
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer tms = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer("http://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer");
// The current map extent, use to set the extent of the map after switching basemaps.
Polygon mCurrentMapExtent = null;
GraphicsLayer mLocationLayer;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Retrieve the map and initial extent from XML layout
mMapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.map);
mLocationLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
// Set the Esri logo to be visible, and enable map to wrap around date line.
// Set a listener for map status changes; this will be called when switching basemaps.
mMapView.setOnStatusChangedListener(new OnStatusChangedListener() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {
// Set the map extent once the map has been initialized, and the basemap is added
// or changed; this will be indicated by the layer initialization of the basemap layer. As there is only
// a single layer, there is no need to check the source object.
if ((source == mMapView) && (status == STATUS.INITIALIZED)) {
boolean mIsMapLoaded = true;
mapSpatialReference = mMapView.getSpatialReference();
// if you need to check the maps spatial reference before you draw you do like this to ensure
//you don't draw before the map is initialized
public void writePolyline(){
SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(Color.GREEN, 3, SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE.DASH);
Polyline lineGeometry = new Polyline();
lineGeometry.startPath(-302557, 7570663);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-302959, 7570868);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-303042, 7571220);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-302700, 7571803);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-304043, 7576654);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-300544, 7585289);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-294365, 7592435);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-290122, 7594445);
lineGeometry.lineTo(-285283, 7595488);
GeometryEngine engine = new GeometryEngine();
Graphic lineGraphic = new Graphic(lineGeometry, lineSymbol);
// here I get the maps corners to show that the polyline is way outside its boundaries so you either use points inside
// or finds the spatial reference from the map you got the points from and use an engine as I do below to projet it to the correct one
Polygon mapExtent = mMapView.getExtent();
System.out.println("mapViews extent " + mapExtent.toString() + " no of points " + mapExtent.getPointCount());
for(int i = 0; i < mapExtent.getPointCount(); i++){
System.out.println("point " + i +" " + mapExtent.getPoint(i).getX() + " x " + mapExtent.getPoint(i).getY() + " y ");
engine.project(lineGeometry, SpatialReference.create(4326), mapSpatialReference);
thnk u very much..