while writing the code for finding the nearby places, how do we exactly write the query url?
Are you referring to this sample:
Nearby Sample | ArcGIS for Developers
Or are you referring to another type of method?
Yes Sir!
Like the sample is using yahoo api.
I have a locator service that I want to query.
So are you also trying to query Yahoo or are you trying to query an ArcGIS Locator?
I believe the query would really depend on the service that you are looking to query.
Sir m trying to query an online locator service created by geocoding some coordinates in ArcGIS desktop..
Ok, then I believe you want to do a reverseGeocode and find the location nearest you. That is different from querying a service like that shown in the example. This can be done using our Android API and does not require the use of the REST API by the developer itself. We abstract this information. In 10.2.9, you can find information on reverse geocoding here:
https://developers.arcgis.com/android/10-2/api-reference/reference/com/esri/core/tasks/geocode/Locat..., double, com.esri.core.geometry.SpatialReference, com.esri.core.geometry.SpatialReference)
Also, this documentation may be helpful:
Search for coordinates—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android | ArcGIS for Developers
Sir, May be I have not been able to explain my problem properly, I am not actually looking forward to reverse geocode the result. Instead, I want to create a buffer around the user location to get the nearby locations from my locator service and geocode them on the map.