Hi Everyone,
I am trying to use the order of the MapView.Layers to track the layer order in my program.
However, I realized that when I remove a layer from the MapView then subsequently adding the layer back, the layer in the operations will eventually become invisible. I have tried setting the layer opacity and visibility but the layer just does not appear. Even if I add additional Graphics to test the layer, the objects in the layer just does not appear. However, I can still find the layer and all the Graphics, even the recently added but still as invisible ones, when I debug the program at break points. Here is a section of the code that I have used for reordering of Layers.
if (actualToPosition >= 0 && fromPositionLayer instanceof GraphicsLayer) { GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = (GraphicsLayer) fromPositionLayer; mapView.removeLayer(graphicsLayer); mapView.addLayer(graphicsLayer, actualToPosition); }
Does anyone know if there's missing operation that I need to do for the MapView to "redraw" or "reload" a layer.
I have the other option of reassigning DrawOrder of each Graphic object in a layer instead of a remove and add but the operation seems too heavy when dealing with a heavily populated layer.
I could also reload the layer by serializing then de-serializing but it is again a very heavy operation.
If anyone have any alternatives that I am missing out at the moment, do let me know as well.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Edit: I realized that if I perform the 3 operations again after I pinch to zoom, the Graphics will reappear.
Android 6.0.1
Esri 10.2.8-1
Note for people having the same issues, Quartz does not have the same issue but upgrading from 10.2.8 is not a simple change in Gradle.
I have checked that the same issue occurs in SDK version 10.2.5 which probably indicates that the issue occurred for quite a long time.
Since the issue is easy to replicate but there isn't any other with the same issue, may I know if there's any methods of reordering layer on the MapView that I should be using instead?
Do any of your layers have a transparency applied to them?
Nope, no transparency (opacity) is required to replicate the problem at my side.
Are you able to see this on multiple devices? Is this occurring across multiple Android versions?