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Is there a fine grain control for on-line map tile memory usage?

03-29-2022 03:06 PM
New Contributor

I am using SDK version 100.13 and would like to limit the amount of memory used while panning and zooming with the on-line map.  Is there an API that would allow me to limit the amount of memory that can be used (I expect there is caching of some tiles for performance as memory usage can jump up ~20-100+MB)? 

Are there settings or API that can be utilized while running on memory constrained devices?  I have not been able to find anything in the API documentation.  Thanks.

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Currently there is no API to limit the cache sizes, they are optimized keeping performance into consideration. We do test some low end API 23 devices with tiled layers for performance. Are your maps having more layers that is causing more memory spikes, if so can you share some more details of layers in your map and perform memory analysis using Android Studio's memory profiler tool.


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