Could anyone explain where to paste this code... it's so frustrating me...
// license with a license key ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.setLicense("runtimelite,1000,###########,day-month-year,####################");
I pasted here, http://prntscr.com/fbk1sy . But nothing changes.
Thx for any help !
I would paste that in your application class as that is used to maintain global application state:
Application | Android Developers
Are you finding that when you paste your license code that it does not authorize it at the correct license level? (looks like you are trying to use a basic license from code pasted but looks like you are showing a lite license in sample above)
Are you able to authorize it at a lite level to see the watermark disappear? Perhaps it is an issue with the license string itself.
Thanks for replay Alexander ! If I paste this code in class, then i`m getting error... and setLicense becomes red...
Did you remember to add the library to your project (usually via Gradle)?
Thanks for your response Alexander!
But here is unexplained where I have to put this code, and what libraries needs to this... http://prntscr.com/fbp1oz Could you explain me, or show some sample... I would greatly appreciate.
Waiting the answer.