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How Can I Disable Panning?

06-15-2012 09:57 AM
New Contributor
I'm trying to allow the user to move/edit the position of a marker. I would like to disable panning to allow the user to just move the selected marker. How do I accomplish this?
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5 Replies
Deactivated User
You can disable the OnPanListener event by implementing:
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Emerging Contributor
You can disable the OnPanListener event by implementing:

Does not work for me.
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Esri Regular Contributor
@mggl if the setOnPanListener(null) pattern doesn't work then make sure you don't have another listener enabled somewhere. Chances are that another listener is overriding.

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Emerging Contributor
@agup i dont have another onpanlistener enabled. After setting onpanlistener to null, the result of
mapView.getOnPanListener() == null
is true. However, the map still can be panned.
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Deactivated User
Try Implementing this via the MapView.OnTouchListener(); event:
 mMapView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener(){

  public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
   return false;

Downside is this will intercept any touch events on your map (pan/zoom/etc..).  With some more logic, you could probably trap what is pan, what is zoom, etc.
Hope this helps.
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