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getFullExtent in 100.5 returns NaN for one corner

06-04-2019 09:48 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

When using getFullExtent on an ArcGISTiledLayer I always get what appears to be an incomplete extent envelope.  This is after the layer status has changed to loaded.  The TPK being used here is projected in stock Web Mercator.

This is the line of code I am using...

Envelope passInExtent = tpkLayer.getFullExtent();

In logcat I get this returned...

Envelope: [-13723579.508706, 5523370.925664, -13539897.110202, 5727919.283479], [0.000000, 0.000000], [NaN, NaN]

sample code...

private void setupLayerListeners(ArcGISTiledLayer tpkLayer) {
   tpkLayer.addLoadStatusChangedListener(new LoadStatusChangedListener() {  //quartz
      //public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {  //old
      public void loadStatusChanged(LoadStatusChangedEvent loadStatusChangedEvent) {
         String mapLoadStatus = loadStatusChangedEvent.getNewLoadStatus().name();

         if (mapLoadStatus.equals("LOADED")) {
            Envelope passInExtent = tpkLayer.getFullExtent();

Any assistance greatly appreciated.

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1 Reply
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

OK my mistake.  The value for the zeroes is Z (elevation) and the NaN is projection.  Kind of wondering why the projection does not populate automatically based on the layers projection though after the layer is loaded?

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