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Error applyedits on new Features

07-10-2013 02:04 AM
Deactivated User
I have a problem using ArcGISFeatureLayer.applyedits on new Features created in my Application.
I'm trying to send a self-created Graphic via applyedits to the server.
The Graphic-Object is filled with a HashMap containing the attributes of the FeatureClass including the ObjectID.

map.put(featureLayer.getObjectIdField(), Integer.valueOf(items.get(i).getOBJECTID()));

When I try to update a Feature it works, but when i want to transfer a new feature i get the following error message:

[objectID=-1, globalId=null, success=false, error=FeatureEditError[code=-2147216083, description=Error while inserting populated row into Insert Cursor]]

The ObjectID i put in my HashMap is not -1, i checked that.

I hope anyone has an idea.

Thanks in advance.
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