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Dynamic map in offline

04-08-2015 06:17 AM
Emerging Contributor


I am developing an iOS map using ArcGIS sdk. The app requires both online & offline use. We are dealing with dynamic map service to show the map.


I could load the map & and also added feature layers. I have used AGSDynamicMapServiceLayer map to load the dynamic map.


I have downloaded the .geodatabase file to use offline.

When the user clicks a button to switch offline, I am downloading the package & also added the features layers from the .geodatabase. Before adding I have removed the layers that are added when in online.


When I scroll the map in offline the visible maps gets invisible & never loaded. My doubt is shouldn't we add a map layer & then add feature layers?

code snippet:

for (AGSLayer* lyr in weakSelf.mapView.mapLayers) {

                if([lyr isKindOfClass:[AGSFeatureTableLayer class]])

                    [weakSelf.mapView removeMapLayer:lyr];



            //add layers from local geodatabase

            weakSelf.geodatabase = geodatabase;

            NSArray *directoryContents = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:folderPath error:nil];          


            for (AGSFeatureTable* fTable in geodatabase.featureTables) {

                if ([fTable hasGeometry]) {

                    weakSelf.localFeatureTable = [weakSelf.geodatabase.featureTables objectAtIndex:0];

                    weakSelf.featureTableLayer = [[AGSFeatureTableLayer alloc]initWithFeatureTable:weakSelf.localFeatureTable];

                    [weakSelf.mapView addMapLayer:self.featureTableLayer];




Am I missing something here. I could see the map screen that is visible before downloading the package, but it gets invisible when I scroll the map & never visible.

This is my first app using ArcGIS. Kindly help me.

Thanks in advance


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor

Hi Dinakar.

This is a great question to post on the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS discussion forum.

But your suspicion is a good one: it is always good to use a basemap layer along with a feature layer, and for offline scenarios, you can do this by referencing a .tpk (a tile package) that will provide a tiled basemap layer for your map. This needs to be added to your map first, then add your feature layer.

Let us know if this helps!

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