Hi guys,
I new to the ArcGIS Android SDK, for a school project within my university I have to show some open data from my city on a map. All the data are from an ArcGIS Services directory.
I have followed this tutorial : Access feature data in the cloud—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android | ArcGIS for Developers
And I just want to change the featureServiceURL of the data (I don't even use the query option menu).
Here are the data I want to use (there are two URLs but they both contain the same data) :
Places handicapés - Mobilite_general
OTC_PLACE_HANDICAPE - open_data/vector_layers
Please help me, I really don't understand why the data doesn't appear on the map.
Thank you for your help.
Hi Arnaud,
The tutorial you referenced creates an ArcGISFeatureLayer from a feature service. The services you posted links to are map services. These two types of service are different things, and require a different type of layer class. You can check in the onStatusChanged callback e.g.:
public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {
if ((source instanceof ArcGISFeatureLayer) && (status == STATUS.LAYER_LOADING_FAILED)) {
However, you can still easily add your services to your map using the correct class - you should find the answers you are looking for in these help topics:
Maps and layers—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android | ArcGIS for Developers
Layer types—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android | ArcGIS for Developers