Hi, I use ArcGIS Runtime SDK 100 for android. I create polygon objects on the map and log the geometry points, the points are correct. But I started sketcher editor and edited the geometry. The geometry coordinates are UTM coordinates and not correct coordinates. I use SpatialReference.getWGS84 for spatial reference and coordinates set lat, long. I tried setting Spatial reference for the map, but the maps not working spatial reference WGS84. Please help me. Thanks
The edited geometry from "SketchEditor.getGeometry()" has the same spatial reference as the map used in the MapView. To set your map to WGS84:
ArcGISMap map = new ArcGISMap(SpatialReferences.getWgs84());
map.setBasemap(new Basemap(BasemapStyle.ARCGIS_DARK_GRAY));
To convert the spatial reference of geometry to match the spatial reference of the MapView,
Geometry projectedGeometry = GeometryEngine.project(geometry, mapView.getSpatialReference());
Check out the Sketch editor, Set map spatial reference, and GeometryEngine.Project