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Can't update feature with Geopackage in Arcgis Android SDK

02-18-2022 04:39 AM
New Contributor

We are trying to make an offline GIS map updater for a Census data collection application with Geopackage.
I am uploading the screenshots of a code blocks,
First screen 
On the first screen I have allowed all the permissions (also spatial index is allowed on Geopackage too),
Second screen 
On the second screen, we can't update selected `feature` using `deleteFeatureAsyns` or `updateFeatureAsync` methods.
Can you please explain if it is the right way to update `feature`, and is there any other alternatives to work with offline GIS data? or is there any better solution than Geopackage?
Hope hearing from you soon
Thanks in advance

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor


Are you getting any exception when trying to delete the feature from GeoPackageFeatureTable ? If so, can you catch the exception and provide the details.


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