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ArcGIS android Runtime SDK licensing

10-07-2020 10:48 PM
Emerging Contributor

Dears , 

we are trying to set license for android app and using below code and still its showing water mark "License for Developer use Only" . if i debug it license Status coming as Invalid . We are using authorization Number as License .

This is new license we just purchased so there's no point of expiring. 

kindly advise us 

LicenseResult licenseResult= ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.setLicense("RUS*********");
 Log.i("licenseResult" , "licenseResult: "+licenseResult);
 LicenseStatus licenseStatus = licenseResult.getLicenseStatus();
 Log.i("licenseResult" , "LicenseStatus: "+licenseStatus);

Thanks and Regards
Rajashekar Reddy
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4 Replies
Emerging Contributor
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Esri Regular Contributor

I'm looking at for format of you license code and I'm not sure these is complete  I appreciate you've sensibly replaced numbers with "*", but is this all you were given?

Can you tell me where you got the code from?

Can you also confirm what version of the product you are using?

Emerging Contributor

Dear Mark , 

Thank you for your quick reply . 

ya i replaced "*" with proper license numbers. 

1) The license details are provided by our administration team to us. am attaching it below. Do we need to activate it ?

2) we are using ArcGIS Runtime Android SDK 100.4.0 for our app . But in the license details provided by our team its mentioned as 10.1-10.4.1 . Below license will work for 100.4.0 ? or do we need to buy new license ?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi there.

The 10.x licenses will not work with 100.x.

Whether you need to buy another license depends on what capabilities you are using in the Runtime. See Licensing capabilities for more details.

In short, if you're not doing any on-device visual analytics (like GPU viewshed), not editing data (unless it's public), not using the Navigation API, and not using local files like Shapefiles or GeoPackages, chances are that you will be good with the Lite level license. But do check the table I linked to above.

You can find your Lite level license key at the ArcGIS for Developers dashboard. The Lite license key is free to use for an unlimited number of deployments.

If you need a higher level license than Lite, then you will need to buy new licenses, or use ArcGIS named user login to enable capabilities according to the user type. You can see that outlined in the licensing table too.

Hope this helps.

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