I'm trying to use ArcGIS with the USGS National Map service endpoints. I got it to work with the topo base map primary tile cache (the first endpoint on the list) but can't figure out how to use the below-18K base map (second on the list). I'm not seeing any errors, just blank grids or a solid black map.What am I doing wrong?
// this works, but looks awful when zoomed in.
final String url = "http://basemap.nationalmap.gov/ArcGIS/services/USGSTopo/MapServer/WMSServer";
map.addLayer(new WMSLayer(url));
// this doesn't work. no error, just a blank grid.
// final String url = "http://services.nationalmap.gov/ArcGIS/services/USGSTopoLarge/MapServer/WMSServer";
// map.addLayer(new WMSLayer(url));
// blank grid here too.
// final String url = "http://services.nationalmap.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/USGSTopoLarge/MapServer";
// map.addLayer(new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(url));
// black screen this time.
// final String url = "http://services.nationalmap.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/USGSTopoLarge/MapServer";
// map.addLayer(new ArcGISImageServiceLayer(url, new ImageServiceParameters()));
// also black.
// final String url = "http://services.nationalmap.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/USGSTopoLarge/MapServer";
// final ImageServiceParameters isp = new ImageServiceParameters();
// isp.setFormat(ImageServiceParameters.IMAGE_FORMAT.PNG);
// map.addLayer(new ArcGISImageServiceLayer(url, isp));