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app crash when running under Android L

06-30-2014 11:52 PM
New Contributor
Do you guys try running the arcgis map under android L ? I just install the Android L Preview and all the map related app are crashed.

the error log is something like the following:

Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 18468 (pool-4-thread-1)

any ideas? thank you.
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8 Replies
New Contributor
Do you guys try running the arcgis map under android L ? I just install the Android L Preview and all the map related app are crashed.

the error log is something like the following:

Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 18468 (pool-4-thread-1)

any ideas? thank you.

The problem occurs at this code: ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(String url, UserCredentials credentials).

if I don't use UserCredentials. Everything goes like a charm.

Please look at this and try to fix it.

because the Android L is so good. I don't wanna flash back. Thanks soooo much.
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Deactivated User

Same problem that quite confusing(Fatal signal 6). I have found the crashing occurred while "Projected Coordinate Systems" was configured(e.g. I use Beijing 1954 3 Degree GK CM 120E in my mxd as below).


What's interesting is every service pre-defined in SDK ("mapoptions") play good, as well as my customized map service  in arcgis server 10.3 using "Geographic Coordinate Systems"( I tried WGS1984 ).


Very much looking forward to your answers. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

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Deactivated User

Tested devices:  Nexus 5/9, Android 5.0.1

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Regular Contributor

What is Android L? Lollipop? I couldn't get my samples to run in Emulator but they work fine in our Lollipop Nexus 7 (2013 i think?).

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Deactivated User

Thank you for your reply. Yes, we are talking about Android Lollipop. Did you try to show online map through service with geometries that used any "Projected Coordinate Systems"?   I had this problem while my data use such kind of coordinate systems.

I'm not sure there is a bug or I missed something.

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Regular Contributor

I didn't experience any crashes while trying the samples out or when getting our own tilemaplayer with some projection requests. But I have just worked with WGS84 besides that one tileserver and trying to get geodatabase (not in WGS84) to show up.

What is the full stacktrace on Android studio ?

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Deactivated User

Thank you Tero.  No more stack trace info but only logcat messages like this:

02-08 22:14:00.200  13388-13456/com.test A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 13456 (pool-4-thread-1)

any ideas ?

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Regular Contributor

Unfortunately I only have ideas. As I haven't encoutnered this myself, I googled a bit and it looks like other people are having similar problems with other than arcgis projects related to com.test a/libc . Common nominator could be bug or security change/issue in android network/web interfaces. Are you sure you are giving your application all the necessary security switches?

They changed quite a lot of things under the hood on Lollipop so it could be implementation error on ArcGis side too.

Sorry for not being able to help.

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