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Android offline editor . Save button not working.

08-11-2016 12:12 AM
Emerging Contributor

I created offline map. I will edit on the map but save button not working. I'm sure I copy the code correctly. And I hava one problem. how is click poligon on the offline map? I want to , I will click poligon later open the new page or activity. but How? Please help me

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor

Which sample are you working with specifically?

If you have the map offline and you press the save, you will later need to press the sync.

In order to launch a new activity, you should build an intent and launch that.  This guide should help with that:

Starting Another Activity

Starting Another Activity | Android Developers

Emerging Contributor

how am I press the sync?

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Emerging Contributor

how is press sync ?

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