I am implementing offline functionality in my application, and following the samples to download tiled cache as a .TPK file. When adding the layer the layer does not get displayed. Here is the relevant code snippet:
// Set up GenerateTileCacheParameters
ExportTileCacheParameters params = new ExportTileCacheParameters(true, desiredLevels, ExportBy.ID, extentForTPK, _map.getSpatialReference());
// Submit tile cache job and download
exportTileCacheTask.generateTileCache(params, statusListener,
new CallbackListener<String>() {
private boolean errored = false;
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onCallback(String path) {
if (!errored) {
Log.d(TAG, "Tiled cache successfully download to path: "+ path);
_localTiledLayer = new ArcGISLocalTiledLayer(path);
}, tileCachePath);
If I follow the sample and download the compact cache by setting the first parameter in ExportTileCacheParameters() to false, _localTiledLayer loads and renders just fine.
Note: I verified that the .tpk file gets saved successfully on the filesystem.
Can someone point me our what am I missing?