The first time I resume activity, the map zooms out to a larger extent. Example, I view the map the first time, it centers and zooms in on user location. Then I leave the activity, return to the activity, and it zooms out to the map's default extent.
In my onCreate, I am loading map layers via MMPK and then calling the following afterwards.
mMapView.getMap().setBasemap(Basemap.createImagery()); mMapView.setViewpointScaleAsync(4622324); mLocationDisplay.setAutoPanMode(LocationDisplay.AutoPanMode.RECENTER); if (!mLocationDisplay.isStarted()) mLocationDisplay.startAsync();
But this issue only occurs on the first time I resume activity. After recentering or zooming/moving the map following the autozoom, there's no more issues with the auto zoom to map extent when I leave the activity a 2nd time.
I guess you need to use
when you start your activity. Using this your map will not zoomed out when your activity resumed.