I have create a map and i'm sharing it through an android app. I have allow the editing of one layer by the public.
But i would know who is editing my feature, so i would people connect themselves with socials medias before to be allowed to edit the layer. How i can do that?
Thanks before
I believe that you would need to register your app with their developers site for the respective provider:
Facebook Developers - Facebook for Developers
Try Sign-In for Android | Google Sign-In for Android | Google Developers
Then I would believe that you would want to follow the guide located here (Designed for google):
Integrating Google Sign-In into Your Android App | Google Sign-In for Android | Google Developer...
Once you get the sign in result after logging in, you could then allow the Map activity to start. This is noted in step 2 of the documentation.
You could then plug into your field some identifying feature that describes the user. For google, you could use GoogleeSignInAccount.getDisplayName(); More samples are found in the documentation located here:
Getting Profile Information | Google Sign-In for Android | Google Developers
I hope this helps!