Hello, I want to add an OpenStreetMap tile service layer to the Esri Android HelloWorld app. I'm following the OpenStreetMap documentation here. Find the relevant code below:public class HelloWorld extends Activity {
MapView mMapView;
// Called when the activity is first created.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mMapView = (MapView)findViewById(R.id.map);
String[] tileServerURL = {"http://b.tile.cloudmade.com/{KEY}/1/256"};
OpenStreetMapLayer tileLayer = new OpenStreetMapLayer(tileServerURL, 1, 16, "CloudMade", true);
mMapView.addLayer(tileLayer); //when this line is commented out the app runs just fine
LogCat gives an EsriServiceException and the app closes when I include the code above in the app. I'm probably missing something minor? Can someone clue me in? Thanks! Patty