I try to make ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer from url. I use export option from map server.
Url is good, when i go on it I get answer, but when I try to display it on map it is empty.
For example code is like
mMapView.addLayer(new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(RouteService + "export?transparent=false&f=image&bbox=186355.1255774944,2696939.7200716655,329230.41132806597,2739008.5542093334&bboxSR=32640&imageSR=32640&layers=&layerDefs={\"0\":\"CODE IN(" +arr + ")\"}&format=png8"));
I try :
mMapView.addLayer(new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(RouteService + "export?bbox=186355.1255774944,2696939.7200716655,329230.41132806597,2739008.5542093334&bboxSR=32640&imageSR=32640&layers=&layerDefs={\"0\":\"CODE IN(" + arr + ")\"}"));
RouteService is adress to my mapservice.
I am missing something? thangs