Using Python to generate access token for an account that uses organization login

01-13-2022 01:22 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hi there!

I've been trying to generate a REST API access token for an item on ArcGIS online through a basic Python script and I'm having a hard time.

Here are the URLs of the item that I want to access:

Note: You won't be able to access the item above because it's not shared publicly (which is why I want to generate an access token in the first place). 

I followed the instructions found here (Generate Token in REST) and arrived at the following Python code (substituting the placeholders with my actual username and password):



import requests
tokenURL = ''
params = {'f': 'pjson', 
          'username': 'placeholder_username', 
          'password': 'placeholder_password', 
          'referer': ''}
response =, data = params, verify = False)
token = response.json()['token']





The problem is that the code above doesn't work. When I investigate the response object, I notice two things: 

  • It doesn't have a "token" key.
  • It tells me that the URL I used is invalid.




# {'error': {'code': 400, 'message': 'Invalid URL', 'details': ['Invalid URL']}}




So I tried using tokenURL='', but that didn't work either: 




# {'error': {'code': 400, 'message': 'Unable to generate token.', 'details': ['Invalid username or password.']}}




 I believe this might be because I typically log into ArcGIS online through my organization's URL: (as seen below):




So I finally tried to use tokenURL='', but that didn't work either:




# {'error': {'code': 400, # 'message': 'Unable to generate token.', # 'details': ['Invalid username or password.']}}




Does anyone know what I need to do to successfully generate an access token for the item above? 

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11 Replies
Regular Contributor

Hi Mark, would you mind sharing your method of accessing the token with a built-in user, not using user/pass. I had been accessing it using: 


but that code isn't working anymore, and I'm at a loss to find why, or a workaround.


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Regular Contributor

I was able to find a work around for now.  you cannot use your SAML account but instead have to create a built-in account.  Use the built-in account for your user:password in the geoprocessing tool found in the link below.  the tool creates a URL for only the first attachment (which is the only one I needed), the URL with a token is added to the attribute table.  because the token expires, you can then run a script to update the token once a week.  the links below were helpful in setting it up.  

Show Attachments in Web Map Popup - Esri Community

Attachments to Popup - YouTube

Schedule a Python Script using Windows Task Scheduler - YouTube

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