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Using findAddressCandidates without hosting

11-20-2013 10:33 AM
New Contributor
I have a program which requires the latitude and longitude of United States addresses. It is not hosted by ArcGIS, it is simply a program which runs on my local box and needs a few address coordinates. I am using the REST interface to findAddressCandidates, using curl to execute the URL and retrieve the data returned. As an example, I am using a URL similar to this:

I have been told that this URL will no longer be supported in 2014. The ArcGIS documentation still includes information on how to use the rest interface to findAddressCandidates. Will there be a new URL for this kind of query? Can geocoding with ESRI be done without hosting an app on ArcGIS? If so, how?
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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
It's just that specific service that is being replaced.  Not the general capabilities or methods.  The new service is the World Geocoder service on  You can read more at

For example,

The longer answer is in this blog article from April this year -
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New Contributor
Thanks for the quick response. I have a couple of follow up questions:

1. Can I use the World geocoding service without an online account? The link you posted gives me results, implying that it would not be required.

2. If the World geocoding service is used without an online account, how does ESRI track your activity and bill you accordingly?

3. If an online account is required, then do I need to write an app that is hosted by ESRI, that is little more than a wrapper around the geocoding service? Much like the service, the app would accept addresses from an external program and then output the data returned from the geocoding service back to the external program. Can this be done with ArcGIS online?

Thanks again.
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Esri Regular Contributor
1. Can I use the World geocoding service without an online account? The link you posted gives me results, implying that it would not be required.

Yes, you can use it without an online account.
"For GeoSearch, where results are not stored:  World Geocoding (no credentials required)"

3. If an online account is required, then ...

It's not required.
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New Contributor
Thanks for the reply.

I would like to store the results on my own local database. The business I work for is happy to pay ESRI's reasonable rates for geocoding. So, after I have an account setup, do I need to write an app similar to the one described previously, or is there a way to send credentials to the geocoding web service, or perhaps a third solution?
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Esri Regular Contributor
Correct, to store the data, you will need to have an online subscription.
"For Geocoding, including batch geocoding, where results are stored:  World Geocoding (an ArcGIS Online subscription or trial is required)"

In short, you will be sending in credentials/authentication along with the request.  This is what will allow for tracking/billing.

You don't have to host this application on You can keeping running it from your local machine.

There is more information on authentication at  It depends somewhat on your current workflow/technology.
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