We are trying to setup a scheduled task to update a vector tile cache in ArcGIS Enterprise making use of python and the requests library.
We can run the REST API from a browser (Chrome)
<<server url>>/rest/services/System/CachingControllers/GPServer/Manage Vector Tile Cache/ submitJob
when logged in as portaladmin and get the jobId back we can then monitor the progress of the job using
<<server url>>/rest/services/System/CachingControllers/GPServer/Manage Vector Tile Cache/jobs/<<jobId>>
This runs to completion with esriJobSucceeded status.
When I try to do similar calls from python with the requests library the job fails with esriJobFailed and error messages
'jobId': 'jf4d02b8cfcc74481b8ce6777d1c79174',
'jobStatus': 'esriJobFailed',
'messages': [{
'type': 'esriJobMessageTypeInformative',
'description': 'Submitted.'
}, {
'type': 'esriJobMessageTypeInformative',
'description': 'Executing...'
}, {
'type': 'esriJobMessageTypeInformative',
'description': 'Start Time: Friday, 05 November 2021 15:52:19'
}, {
'type': 'esriJobMessageTypeError',
'description': 'ERROR 001359: Failed to connect to the server.'
}, {
'type': 'esriJobMessageTypeError',
'description': 'Failed to execute (Manage Vector Tile Cache).'
}, {
'type': 'esriJobMessageTypeInformative',
'description': 'Failed at Friday, 05 November 2021 15:52:19 (Elapsed Time: 0,00 seconds)'
}, {
'type': 'esriJobMessageTypeError',
'description': 'Failed.'
The token that we generate uses a referer client with the <<server url>> as referrer.
This token is part of the request that I send to the geoprocessing task to authenticate with.
When I use this token in the browser the job also fails.
Has anyone encountered similar problems and / or found a way around them.
Here is the code that we used
import os
import requests
import logging
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
import time
class CacheUpdater:
Class to update the tile cache
def __init__(self):
self.logger = setup_logger(os.environ['LOG_FOLDER'])
self.portal_url = os.environ['PORTAL_URL']
self.token = None
def update_cache(self):
self.logger.info(f'Updating cache on {self.portal_url}...')
self.token = self.get_gis_portal_token()
# self.logger.info(f'Geopoint count {self.query_geopoint_count()}')
self.logger.info('Updated cache')
except Exception as ex:
self.logger.error(f'Updating Vector Tile Cache failed with an exception')
def get_gis_portal_token(self):
self.logger.info('Getting portal token...')
token_url = self.portal_url + '/portal/sharing/rest/generateToken'
# token_url = self.portal_url + '/hosting/tokens/generateToken'
# 'client': 'referer',
# 'referer': self.portal_url + '/hosting',
query_parameters = {
'username': os.environ['PORTAL_USER'],
'password': os.environ['PORTAL_PASS'],
'client': 'requestip',
'f': 'json'
result = requests.post(token_url, data=query_parameters)
response_json = result.json()
if 'token' in response_json:
return response_json['token']
elif 'error' in response_json:
raise RuntimeError(f'generateToken failed with {response_json["error"]}')
self.logger.info('Got portal token')
def update_vector_tile_cache(self):
Update the vector tile cache
self.logger.info('Updating vector tile cache...')
url = self.portal_url + '/hosting/rest/services/System/CachingControllers/GPServer/Manage Vector Tile ' \
params = {
'serviceName': 'EA_Vector_Tile',
'serviceFolder': 'Hosted',
'minScale': 36111.909643,
'maxScale': 564.248588,
'tilingFormat': 'INDEXED',
'token': self.token,
'f': 'json'
result = requests.post(url, params)
response_json = result.json()
if 'error' in response_json:
raise RuntimeError(f'submitJob failed with {response_json["error"]}')
if ("jobStatus" in response_json) and (response_json["jobStatus"] != 'esriJobSubmitted'):
raise RuntimeError(f'submitJob failed with {response_json}')
self.logger.info(f'Submitted job {response_json["jobId"]} with status {response_json["jobStatus"]}')
url = self.portal_url + f'/hosting/rest/services/System/CachingControllers/GPServer/Manage Vector Tile ' \
params = {
'token': self.token,
'f': 'json'
completed = False
while not completed:
result = requests.post(url, params)
response_json = result.json()
if 'error' in response_json:
raise RuntimeError(f'job failed with {response_json["error"]}')
if ("jobStatus" in response_json) and (response_json["jobStatus"] == 'esriJobFailed'):
raise RuntimeError(f'submitJob failed with {response_json}')
completed = response_json["jobStatus"] == 'esriJobSucceeded'
self.logger.info(f' Job status {response_json["jobStatus"]}')
self.logger.info('Updated vector tile cache')
def query_geopoint_count(self):
Query the geo-point layer
url = self.portal_url + '/hosting/rest/services/EnumerationSet/StatsSAEnumerationSet_DV/FeatureServer/0/query'
params = {
'where': '1=1',
'returnCountOnly': 'true',
'token': self.token,
'f': 'json'
result = requests.get(url, params)
response_json = result.json()
if 'error' in response_json:
raise RuntimeError(f'submitJob failed with {response_json["error"]}')
return response_json['count']
def setup_logger(log_folder: str, logging_level: int = logging.INFO) -> logging.Logger:
""" Setup the rolling logger
log_folder ([type]): FOlder to store logs
logging_level ([logging], optional): Logging level. Defaults to logging.INFO.
logging.Logger: Logger to use
new_logger = logging.getLogger('tilecache')
if len(new_logger.handlers) > 0:
return new_logger
logging_format = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
if not os.path.exists(log_folder):
logfile_name: str = os.path.join(log_folder, r'tile_cache.log')
file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(logfile_name, maxBytes=2 ** 22, backupCount=10, mode='a')
return new_logger
if __name__ == '__main__':
c = CacheUpdater()
Solved! Go to Solution.
Please add referer to update_vector_tile_cache method
Here is the updated snippet that you can use
def update_vector_tile_cache(self):
Update the vector tile cache
self.logger.info('Updating vector tile cache...')
url = self.server_url + '/rest/services/System/CachingControllers/GPServer/Manage Vector Tile ' \
params = {
'serviceName': 'States_fl',
'serviceFolder': 'Hosted',
'tilingFormat': 'INDEXED',
'token': self.token,
'f': 'json'
print(str(url) + str(params))
header_dic = {'referer': os.environ['SERVER_URL']}
result = requests.post(url, params,headers=header_dic)
response_json = result.json()
@TommyFauvell @GarimaTiwari Do you perhaps have any ideas?
Please add referer to update_vector_tile_cache method
Here is the updated snippet that you can use
def update_vector_tile_cache(self):
Update the vector tile cache
self.logger.info('Updating vector tile cache...')
url = self.server_url + '/rest/services/System/CachingControllers/GPServer/Manage Vector Tile ' \
params = {
'serviceName': 'States_fl',
'serviceFolder': 'Hosted',
'tilingFormat': 'INDEXED',
'token': self.token,
'f': 'json'
print(str(url) + str(params))
header_dic = {'referer': os.environ['SERVER_URL']}
result = requests.post(url, params,headers=header_dic)
response_json = result.json()
Thank you very much @GarimaTiwari we can now get the Vector Tile Cache to update.
Thanks for tagging @DeonLengton
Thank you so much for your assistance @GarimaTiwari
It is really appreciated!
@dvonck will test and we will hopefully be able to respond with an accepted solution soon
we realize this is an old post, but since the functionality still does not exist out of the box in enterprise, we took inspiration from your workflow and made a custom FME transformer using HTTPCallers.
For anyone stumbling upon this thread (like we did) looking for a non coding solution: https://hub.safe.com/publishers/martin-ekstrand/transformers/arcgisenterprisevectortilerebuildcache
Thanks @dvonck for the inspiration 😀