i have tried to create a token using get request like this:
i get a token as a response
I copied to token into the http request
https://geoenrich.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/geoenrichmentserver/Geoenrichment/Enrich?stu...[{"geometry":{"x": -122.435, "y": 37.785} ,"areaType":"RingBuffer", "bufferUnits":"esriMiles", "bufferRadii":[1,3,5] }] &analysisvariables=[{"KeyGlobalFacts.TOTPOP","itemid":"YourItemID","url":"www.arcgis.com","token":"???-??-JVXl73TwrkGdHN_UCe0RqzMAg8LzSOrg.."}]&f=pjson
and got the response :
"error" :
"code" : 401,
"message" : "You do not have permissions to use this resource.",
"details" : [ ]
Hi Jude,
It looks like your token is valid, however, your account doesn't have permissions to use Geoenrichment. Do you know what role your account has? Is it at least a publisher role? We'll need to have your org administrator check your role to see if you have permissions. It may be that you only have a user role or a custom role without permissions for Geoenrichment.