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Query Fails every other time

08-29-2013 09:09 AM
Frequent Contributor
Running Server 10.1 SP1 on a Win2008R2 box.

I'm trying to root out an issue we're seeing with our JSAPI base map application. The map simply has an Esri basemap and a featurelayer from our server.  The featurelayer does not load every time.  Using Firebug and IE's f12 tools I can see the response from the Query op issued when the layer is added to the map as

{"error":{"code":400,"message":"Unable to complete operation.","details":[]}}

It happens when I issue query requests to the service without a map too.  If I put the following simple query in my browser (happens in IE, FF, Chrome) it works every other time -


1st, 3rd, 5th, etc... GET requests yield valid results
 "displayFieldName": "Name",
 "fieldAliases": {
  "Name": "Name"
 "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon",
 "spatialReference": {
  "wkid": 4326,
  "latestWkid": 4326
 "fields": [
   "name": "Name",
   "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
   "alias": "Name",
   "length": 50
 "features": [
   "attributes": {
    "Name": "ALC2"
   "geometry": {
    "rings": [
      .... and so on

alternating requests return the same error shown above.

There are no errors shown in the server logs in Manager.  I have logging set to verbose and I can see to requests/response (below, the failure has the smaller response size)

FINE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM REST request successfully processed. Response size is 62359 characters. Folder/Service.MapServer        

FINE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM End Query Folder/Service.MapServer        

VERBOSE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM End of preparation. Folder/Service.MapServer        

VERBOSE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM Begining of preparation. Folder/Service.MapServer        

FINE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM Begin Query Folder/Service.MapServer        

FINE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM REST request received. Request size is 329 characters. Folder/Service.MapServer        

FINE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM REST request successfully processed. Response size is 650 characters. Folder/Service.MapServer        

FINE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM End Query Folder/Service.MapServer        

VERBOSE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM End of preparation. Folder/Service.MapServer        

VERBOSE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM Begining of preparation. Folder/Service.MapServer        

FINE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM Begin Query Folder/Service.MapServer        

FINE Aug 29, 2013 10:58:22 AM REST request received. Request size is 329 characters. Folder/Service.MapServer 

Any ideas what's going on and how to fix this?

Thanks, TG
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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor
Looks like this is one of those 'known issues'  Bug report here -

There a work around if you're using a query task (append timestamp to make it unique request) but how can I do that when I'm adding the feature layer to the map??

Thanks, TG
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