Hello everyone
I'm have a issue using the "printing tools" tool and exporting a web map with an arcgis online map base in my sites of linux in arcgis server 10.7.1 stand alone.
"error": {
"code": 400,
"extendedCode": -2147467261,
"message": "Unable to complete operation.",
"details": [
"Error executing tool. Export Web Map Task : Failed to create layer from service at https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer.\nFailed to execute (Export Web Map).\nFailed to execute (Export Web Map Task)."
this is the json request
Format PNG8
Layout Template MAP_ONLY
I think it is possible some blocking by the network or antivirus to url with external sources to the sites that are in linux but I don't know how to do said verification.