I am using ArcGIS javaScript 3.5 and i want to implement the print map.I know it is a in-built tool we can use that service also but i want to customized this tool and my problem is to implement the all three step(Print,Printing,PrintOut) in one click (Prefer some other click).for that purpose i did something like---first i added one div in design level and set visiblity as false
<div id="print_button" style="visibility:hidden;display:none;"></div>
In init i use esri.dijit.Print option
var app = {};
app.webmapId = "8315cf7d20f0484e869c4791f70f4f15";
app.printUrl = "abc/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map%20Task";
var layouts = [{
"name": "Letter ANSI A Landscape",
"label": "Landscape (PDF)",
"format": "pdf",
"options": {
"legendLayers": [], // empty array means no legend
"scalebarUnit": "Miles",
"titleText": "Map"
var templates = [];
dojo.forEach(layouts, function (lo) {
var t = new esri.tasks.PrintTemplate();
t.layout = lo.name;
t.label = lo.label;
t.format = lo.format;
t.layoutOptions = lo.options
app.printer = new esri.dijit.Print({
"map": map,
"templates": templates,
url: app.printUrl,
}, dojo.byId("print_button"));
and in my click internally i want to click this print button
function export() {
document.getElementById('print_button').click();//This will not work obviously this is not a button
return false;
HOw can i find the element and click event. i tried to quickwatch this element("print_button") but i didn't get any success