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Issue with ArcGIS REST API for visualizing data in external map

10-05-2023 03:10 AM
New Contributor

Hello everybody,


My name is Ionuț Ciocîrlie, I am building a geospatial application using ArcGIS Developer features and I am encountering a problem with the REST Services.

I'm currently encountering an issue with ArcGIS Web Map Tile Services. Our goal is to visualize data that has been uploaded from ArcGIS Pro into ArcGIS Online as tiles. Using the REST Services, we aim to display this data within an external application that we are in the process of building. To achieve this, we have published a tile on ArcGIS Online, which you can access at  this link.

However, when attempting to visualize this data through the REST API within our application, we've encountered a specific error message:

'[esri.views.LayerViewManager] - Failed to create layerview for layer title:'', id:'18aff4556ff-layer-0' of type 'tile'.'

I have also provided a CodePen link to my script for reference: click here.

Could you kindly help me understand and troubleshoot this error?


Kind regards,


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