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How to get spatial analysis service URL?

11-08-2024 09:12 AM
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Emerging Contributor


I'm trying to generate a spatial join between layers stored on our AGOL. I'm using the REST API with an HTTP POST method, via Power Automate. However, I'm getting a bad URL response.

From the documentation (below), the format should be:

http://<analysis url>/JoinFeatures/SubmitJob

I think I'm getting tripped up on finding the analysis URL to use in the request. The parameters seem ok, I think it's the actual URL. I've tried to figure out how to find this in our AGOL content; I also have ArcGIS Pro (but not Enterprise) but haven't seen how that would help.

Any help on getting this analysis URL?

Here's what I'm trying:

URI:[feature layer code]/arcgis/rest/services/JoinFeatures/SubmitJob

method: post


Join Features | ArcGIS REST APIs | ArcGIS Developers

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