I have an application that generates routes and stops built in .net using the REST API and managed to generate all json, but I don't know how to draw on the map the json "out_routes" and "out_stops".
Any idea?
I know this is late but I return the data that comes back from: SolveVehicleRoutingProblem/jobs/{{jobId}}/results/out_Routes?token=...
On the frontend I have JS that looks like:
//store all routes
var polyArr = [];
//make line
for (var route of routes) {
var polyline = {
type: "polyline",
paths: route.geometry.paths
//make symbol
var polylineSymbol = {
type: "simple-line", // autocasts as SimpleLineSymbol()
color: [50, 50, 50],
width: 4
//Put it together in a Graphic object
let polylineGraphic = new Graphic({
geometry: polyline,
symbol: polylineSymbol,
attributes: polylineAtt,
popupTemplate: {...}
//Add route object to route array
//route layer is a graphic layer that was previously added to the map
Hope this helps someone.