I'm developing server-side application which is going to retrieve and process list of layers.
I use https://<rootUrl>/ArcGIS/rest/services?token=<token> as an endpoint for getting services.
If I do it from my browser using token I got during sign-in I can see a full list services.
I created an Application in order to do that job automatically.
Problem is:
I get token using received from https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/oauth2/token with body:
body.add("client_id", clientId);
body.add("client_secret", clientSecret);
body.add("grant_type", "client_credentials");
If I use that token I receive the list containing only services shared to everyone and there are much less Items in the list.
How to autorize my application to access the same layers that I can do being logged in using my credentials?