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Geoprocessing service with REST and Web

06-10-2011 12:00 PM
Emerging Contributor
When I use the REST endpoint to access my geoprocessing service I can successfully run a tool (export, et al) on all my files.  When I use the web browser to access the same tool & geoprocessing service I get about a 50% success rate due to a time out error.

I suspect a time out setting somewhere in the JavaScript/Web interaction with AGS.  Has anyone else run into this issue as well and know where this parameter might be set?

The REST web.config file includes a <httpRuntime executionTimout="1200' />
The GP service parameters are default at 600s max time a client can use a service, 60s max time client will wait for service, 1800s max time idle instance kept running.

The files that I am processing should take just over 2 minutes of process time, based on testing and like-sized files.  All files run successfully at the REST endpoint --where is the (likely 120s) setting that I can change on the web end to get my larger files to process??

Thank you.
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4 Replies
Esri Contributor
Synchronous GP task are ideal for short running tasks. Since this task takes ~ 2 minutes, can you consider publishing this tool as an Asynchronous GP Service.
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Emerging Contributor
Per your suggestion, Ravi, I'll create a separate GP service for this tool and set it up as asynchronous.  I'll serve it in our development environment.  Thanks, I'll report back on how it performs.
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Emerging Contributor
Actually, I solved the timeout of exported large file sizes by changing the timeouts of a number of configuration files, which didn't affect application performance.  The configurations that I changed were:

web.config at REST api
timeout = 1200

NAM gateway
gateway timeout to 1200

web.config for application timeout
timeout value = 1200000
execution timeout = 1200000
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Frequent Contributor
We are facing similar problem.. that REST is geting timed out ..when I check RESTLOG.text , we are geting below error

og Entry : 11/8/2012 6:06:40 AM
  ERROR:Thread was being aborted. ::    at ESRI.ArcGIS.REST.GPServer.SubmitGPTaskJsonFormatter.Init()
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.REST.RequestHandler.ProcessRequest()
   at ESRI.ArcGIS.REST.RestHttpHandler.System.Web.IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

Please help on this
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