I am trying to export TIFF from data served on an ArcGIS REST MapSever:
I can make a request to the server that returns the TIFF using default parameters as follows:
fetch(cors_proxy + 'http://geoapps.icimod.org/icimodarcgis/rest/services/Nepal/Agriculture_Mask/MapServer/export?bbox=77...')
The query provides a URL link the TIFF file:
Despite the native projection of the data and the specified projection of this TIFF being 4326, loading the exported TIFF file in QGIS , it doesn't appear to be spatially referenced.
Any insight as to what I am doing wrong or how to ensure the the export TIFF is georeferenced? I have a sneaking suspicion that the exported TIFF is not a GeoTIFF, and that there are some additional steps necessary to append the projection data, but I haven't been successful in finding a way to do this.
By the way, in case you're interested I have an Observable notebook where I've played around a bit trying to load these data into the browser and render them... with varying degrees of success:
ESRI Leaflet will render the layer using just the defaults: