Hi,I am new to REST and I'm having trouble updating a table. I can add a feature but all the attributes come back as null and when I attempt to update the record I get Error 500 "An unexpected error occurred processing the request.". I am almost certain that there is a problem with my syntax as I get the same result when I try to update the Incident Priority sample http://sampleserver3.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/SanFrancisco/311Incidents/FeatureServer/1....The exact JSON code I'm using is:[
"feature" :
"attributes" : {
"objectid" : 2220,
"sf_311_serviceoid" : null,
"agree_with_incident" : 1,
"datetime" : null,
"cient_ip" : null,
"notes" : "I agree"
Format is set to JSON. Objectid 2220 is the record I added but it didn't add the attributes. Can anyone see anything wrong with the input? Does everyone else get the same error?Cheers,Shannaka