I understand that the workflow is to create a map document, which uses the correct SDE version, and then publish the map document as a service. Users then connect to that service and use it as needed.
What if have a web service which supports creating a new version? Let's say that I want users in the field to submit potential changes which have to be reviewed/moderated. In this case, each user would have their own SDE version.
In this case you can either:
1) Have your web service create a new SDE version, create a map document which uses this version, publish the map document as a service, and then finally use that service. Of course, you also have to worry about ending the service at some point.
2) Create a generic non-pooled service and have it create and utilize a new SDE version.
How does ESRI see this working with the push to have a large number of "volunteer" editors on the web?