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ArcGIS Server 10.6.1 General geodatabase error occured when using OutStatistics

08-16-2022 11:40 AM
New Contributor

When trying to perform a query with Output Statistics against one of my MapServer endpoints I get an error in the query tool: "Unable to complete operation."

If I look at my logs I get a corresponding "General geodatabase error occured" error.

The endpoint data source is a Standalone Query Table which does not have any geometry/geography fields on SQL Server 2019.

Regular queries without outStatistics work fine. Please advise.

1 Reply
New Contributor

We are getting similar behaviour and find that restarting the service using server/manager provides a short-term fix. 

Our config is a mix of new and legacy, Arc v11.0 with a registered datastore on SQLServer 2008R2 (!), with geometry stored as sdebinary(!!) and the service published using ArcPro v3.0.0.

Appears similar to Solved: Re: outStatistics return 'unable to complete opera... - Esri Community   note that  BUG-000092566: The Query task with output statistics fails on an Or.. ( is at "Will Not Be Addressed"

General form of a failure appears in the logs as:

<Msg ... type='FINE' code='10022' ... methodName='MapServerX::REST_Query' ... >Begin Query</Msg>
<Msg ... type='SEVERE' code='10837' ... methodName='QueryStatistics' ... >General geodatabase error occured.</Msg>
<Msg ... type='FINE' code='10023' ... methodName='MapServerX::REST_Query' ... >End Query</Msg>


whereas the general form of a successful call is:

<Msg ... type='FINE' code='10022' ... methodName='MapServerX::REST_Query' ... >Begin Query</Msg>
<Msg ... type='FINE' code='102025'  ... methodName='SdeWorkspace.ReadOnlyConnection' ... >Set connection to read-only, enabling fast forward cursors.</Msg>
<Msg ... type='FINE' code='102026'  ... methodName='SdeWorkspace.ReadOnlyConnection' ... >Unset connection from being read-only.</Msg>
<Msg ... type='FINE' code='10023' ... methodName='MapServerX::REST_Query' ... >End Query</Msg>



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