Hi, I am having difficulties with my query and I am not sure if it is due to a syntax error.

Upper(RE1) LIKE Upper('11.12.1' + '[^0-9]%')
The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.
Your support ID is: 5772500289949997508
Upper(RE1) LIKE Upper('11.12.2' + [^0-9]%)
Unable to complete operation.
Upper(RE1) LIKE Upper('11.12.2')+('^0-9'%)
Failed to execute query.
The data that I am querying looks like this:
10.3.14hx4 |
10.3.14 |
10.3.1 |
10.3.11 |
10.3.15ax1 |
10.3.1a |
10.3.15c |
10.3.15d |
10.3.15dx1 |
10.3.15e |
10.3.15ex1 |
The goal is that when the user queries 10.3.1 it returns 10.3.1 and the extentions 10.3.1a, 10.3.1b, 10.3.1b2 BUT DO NOT return 10.3.15.
Please Help.
All I get for now is: The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.
Your support ID is: 5772500289950014772
and this URL https://uat-gisservices.information.qld.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/EncompassApps/WildNet/MapServer/...
or no errors but no records found with queries like this: Upper(RE1) LIKE Upper(CONCAT('11.12.2', '[^0-9]%'))
Thank you for your help.
#sql #arcgisrest