Fastest way to bulk upload features to AGS

04-26-2013 05:28 AM
New Contributor II
Does anyone have an opinion on what the fastest way to upload a set of features to AGS is. We are creating a custom one way sync from a commercial non-gis product to AGS. I prefer not to have any more licensing or more complicated deployment scheme then we already have. Was wondering if the REST AddFeatures would be the best/fastest or would a published GP Tool or Server Object Extension be more efficient.

I thought about direct access to the DB but getting to the DB may not be so straight forward, thus REST/HTTP would be the most flexible. Even if we had direct access to the DB, how could I bulk update in a generic way that is independent of the DB flavor or SDE specifics. I really like the idea of everything being wrapped up and exposed via REST and all the client has to provide is the URL to the feature service. Any ideas on alternatives?

Also, I see there is the ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.ArcGISWebClient in the WPF SDK. Is there not a nice .net wrapper for the AGS REST API. You would think that would be a single dll in the WPF SDK, if not does anyone know of an open source project to do this? Would think there would be one but cant find one. The ArcGISWebClient class seems to try to start doing this in a generic way. Guess I could connect to a featurelayer then start adding graphics to the feature layer as my updater. Though there is a lot of overhead in that. Any thoughts on a generic AGS REST wrapper for .Net platform?
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