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Export Web Map Task - JSON length limit?

04-16-2013 04:06 AM
Deactivated User

Is there a limit to the length of the JSON string when sending a POST request to the REST interface aof ArcGIS for Server's Printing Tools' "Export Web Map Task" ?
I didn't find any documentation to any limitations so I presume only firewall limitations apply. But I need to make sure there are no such limits on ArcGIS for Server before starting to implement my application.
The reason I ask is that  I ran into a similar problem when using a FeatureService. In that case the JSON string got cut off by the REST interface after about 2000 features. The solution to this was rather simple: splitting the big request up into several smaller ones. However, the JSON for the "Export Web Map Task" can't be split up.
So if there are any limitations to the JSON length, please let me know. So I can plan ahead and maybe look for alternative ways to implement my application.

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2 Replies
Deactivated User
Hi Florian,

Did you get any update on this question?

We got issue when we post a very huge request (around 9MB) to ArcGIS GeometryService, the server crashed. The default limition of maxPostSize is 10M configured in Tomcat server.xml. It works when we post a request around 6MB.

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Deactivated User
Have a few time to update the thread.

Here are the settings:
* Change maxPostSize=0 (default is 10M) to disable limitation for post size in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\tomcat\conf\server.xml
* Change SocMaxHeapSize to a bigger value (64M is default) to avoid server crash in file C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\etc\machine.xml
* This one may also need to be increased to avoid server crash:<AppServerMaxHeapSize>256</AppServerMaxHeapSize> in C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\etc\machine.xml

The latter two can be changed by REST admin API.
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