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Expand ArcPy to allow element locking/unlocking in Prodution Mapping

03-28-2017 12:10 PM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

I ask that element locking/unlocking functions available through the Production Mapping Extension be modifiable through python. I have the production mapping extension and certain map text elements are locked in the layout using the lock function from the Production Cartography tool. Once locked, however, those text elements can't be modified/updated using python. We're working with 100's of MXDs so the simple task of unlocking a layout element, modifying, and relocking it becomes burdensome when you have to do it across all  these MXDs.

1 Comment

Hi @MikeHerrmann1 

Your post was just moved over to the ArcGIS Production Mapping Ideas community. I was just made aware of your post. I am sorry that you did not receive a response in 2017.

Thank you for taking the time to post this enhancement request. The ArcGIS Production Mapping team has stopped making enhancements to our 10.x software. However, you should be able accomplish what you need to do using ArcGIS Pro out-of-the-box. Please look at Python - Mapping Modules - Classes and look at the MapSurroundElement and the 'locked' property.

Again, I am sorry for the late response.

