Does anyone know if the COGO (coordinate geometry) tool will be available in Pro 2.4? Most threads say "it will be available in the next update", but that has been the case since before 2.0.
2.3 Traverse Help (this link is to the latest Traverse help documentation)
GP Enable COGO
GP Disable COGO
More functionality added to Traverse (modify traverse)
SDK Supports unit conversions for directions - Quadrant Bearings/ etc.
Construct Polygon Tool (constructs a polygon from closed looped lines)
Ground to Grid
Editing constraints or dynamic constraints on COGO enable lines, the typed in COGO values are now written to the COGO fields
You might be interested in the Divide tool, which also writes to COGO fields and divides lines using measurements and divides polygons using areas. (Divide line by proportion option is for ArcMap equivalency of Proportion tool.)
Fillet tool
SDK Supports access to ground to grid correction properties.
More COGO for 2.4
Update COGO (updates COGO attributes for selected COGO enabled lines)
Circular Arc editing constraint
Automatically continue feature for 2 point lines
Offset tool (for station/offset)
Ground to grid support for Copy parallel
Is there something specific that you are looking for?