I'm trying to find lines on which there are points that I would then connect into a line. The problem is that as soon as I look for points intersecting the line, it doesn't find any even though I know they must be there.
One line example
my code:
if (!(MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("Z_Voda_L ").First() is FeatureLayer vodaLayer))
FeatureClass fcVoda = vodaLayer.GetTable() as FeatureClass;
if (!(MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("featureToVer").First() is FeatureLayer featureToVer))
FeatureClass fcFeatureToVer = featureToVer.GetTable() as FeatureClass;
var qfilter = new QueryFilter
WhereClause = "OBJECTID >= 0"
var vodaPruchod = fcVoda.Search(qfilter);
while (vodaPruchod.MoveNext())
var vodaFeature = vodaPruchod.Current as Feature;
var body = vodaFeature.GetShape() as Polyline;
var spatialQueryFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter()
{ FilterGeometry = body, SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects};
var polyCursor = fcFeatureToVer.Search(spatialQueryFilter, false);
var mapoveBody = new List<MapPoint>();
while (polyCursor.MoveNext())
var bodAktual = polyCursor.Current as Feature;
var mapPoint = bodAktual.GetShape() as MapPoint;
The polyline is always selected because I see it always has a length, but I don't know why it doesn't find any point.
I will be glad for any advice and help
Somethimes spatial filter doesn't work if spatial references of FilterGeometry and FeatureClass differs. Then you need to reproject FilterGeometry
I'm probably asking a stupid question, but how is it done?
Project or check spatial references?
To project use code like this:
var sr = fcFeatureToVer.GetDefinition().GetSpatialReference();
FilterGeometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(body, sr);
To check spatial references place breakpoint near spatialQueryFilter add body and fcFeatureToVer to VS watch list and investigate
Now it gives me this error: 'Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.'
Is it possible that this is the wrong path? Where did I save it...
Which line generates the error? There is no code for saving in your pasted code.
var sr = fcFeatureToVer.GetDefinition().GetSpatialReference();
This is my entire code:
protected override async void OnClick()
if (!(MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("Z_Voda_L ").First() is FeatureLayer vodaLayer))
if (!(MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("Z_KomSilnice_L ").First() is FeatureLayer komLayer))
await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
Map activeMap = MapView.Active.Map;
string fileBufferVoda = @"D:\BufferVoda.shp";
object[] bufferParaVoda =
{vodaLayer, fileBufferVoda, "1 Meters", "FULL", "ROUND", "LIST", "", "PLANAR"};
await StartATask("analysis.Buffer", bufferParaVoda);
string fileBufferSilnice = @"D:\BufferSilnice.shp"; ;
object[] bufferParaSilnice =
{komLayer, fileBufferSilnice, "2 Meters", "FULL", "ROUND", "LIST", "", "PLANAR"};
await StartATask("analysis.Buffer", bufferParaSilnice);
string output = @"D:\PairwiseIntersect.shp";
await CreateFcWithAttributesAsync("LinieKoncovychBodu", EnumFeatureClassType.Polyline);
var polylineFeatureLayer = activeMap.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault(lyr => lyr.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline);
string silnice = "BufferSilnice";
string voda = "BufferVoda";
var qfilter = new QueryFilter
WhereClause = "OBJECTID >= 0"
FeatureClass fcVoda = vodaLayer.GetTable() as FeatureClass;
var editace = new EditOperation
Name = "Posun anotace",
SelectNewFeatures = false
var insp = new Inspector();
FeatureLayer bufferSilnice = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers(silnice).First() as FeatureLayer;
FeatureLayer bufferVoda = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers(voda).First() as FeatureLayer;
object[] inputFields = { bufferVoda + ";" + bufferSilnice };
object[] parametrPair =
{inputFields, output , "ALL", "", "INPUT"};
await StartATask("analysis.PairwiseIntersect", parametrPair);
var vodaPruchod = fcVoda.Search(qfilter);
string outputVer = @"D:\featureToVer.shp";
object[] parametrVer =
{vodaLayer, outputVer , "ALL"};
await StartATask("management.FeatureVerticesToPoints", parametrVer);
if (!(MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("featureToVer").First() is FeatureLayer featureToVer))
FeatureClass fcFeatureToVer = featureToVer.GetTable() as FeatureClass;
var sr = fcFeatureToVer.GetDefinition().GetSpatialReference();
//SpatialReferenceBuilder srBuilder = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(3857);//zkusit dát tohle jako referenci
if (!(MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("PairwiseIntersect").First() is FeatureLayer pairwise))
FeatureClass fcPairwise = pairwise.GetTable() as FeatureClass;
var createOperation = new EditOperation();
var polylineFeatureClass = polylineFeatureLayer.GetTable() as FeatureClass;
var polylineDefinition = polylineFeatureClass.GetDefinition();
var linie = new List<Polyline>();
while (vodaPruchod.MoveNext())
var vodaFeature = vodaPruchod.Current as Feature;
var body = vodaFeature.GetShape() as Polyline;
var spatialQueryFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter()
{ FilterGeometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(body, sr), SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects};
var polyCursor = fcFeatureToVer.Search(spatialQueryFilter, false);
var mapoveBody = new List<MapPoint>();
while (polyCursor.MoveNext())
var bodAktual = polyCursor.Current as Feature;
var mapPoint = bodAktual.GetShape() as MapPoint;
var newPolyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(mapoveBody, polylineDefinition.GetSpatialReference());
var list = new Dictionary<long, string>();
var filter = new QueryFilter
WhereClause = "FID = 0"
var stranaHorni = fcPairwise.Search(filter);
while (stranaHorni.MoveNext())
var aktualniPrvek = stranaHorni.Current as Feature;
var hledanyBod = aktualniPrvek.GetShape() as Polygon;
var spatialQuery = new SpatialQueryFilter()
{ FilterGeometry = hledanyBod, SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Contains };
var polyCursor3 = fcFeatureToVer.Search(spatialQuery, false);
while (polyCursor3.MoveNext())
var oid = polyCursor3.Current.GetObjectID();
var aktualni = polyCursor3.Current;
var jmeno = aktualni["JMENO"].ToString();
list.Add(oid, jmeno);
foreach (var item in list)
var oid = item.Key;
insp.Load(featureToVer, oid);
var shape = insp.Shape;
var posun = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(shape, -10, -10) as MapPoint;
insp.Shape = posun;
foreach (var line in linie)
createOperation.Create(polylineFeatureLayer, line);
await createOperation.ExecuteAsync();
await editace.ExecuteAsync();