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setting button initial state with condition

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09-05-2019 05:20 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am trying to create an AddIn with two buttons where the state is controlled with conditions.  This is working but the button state is Disabled on program startup.  I need a way to have one of the buttons Enabled on startup.  I can't seem to find any code to allow me to have the button Enabled on startup.

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1 Solution

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Occasional Contributor

Success!!   I found the following code and was able to get it to work.

protected override bool Initialize() //Called when the Module is initialized.      
   ProjectOpenedEvent.Subscribe(OnProjectOpened); //subscribe to Project opened event          
   return base.Initialize();       

private void OnProjectOpened(ProjectEventArgs obj) //Project Opened event handler      
   MessageBox.Show($"{Project.Current} has opened"); //show your message box  
   //Put the button code here to activate or deactivate    

protected override void Uninitialize() //unsubscribe to the project opened event      
   ProjectOpenedEvent.Unsubscribe(OnProjectOpened); //unsubscribe          

Thank you so much for your help..... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Sam

By default, an add-in's module is set to be loaded just-in-time (JIT). So when Pro application loads, your logic to enable the button is not invoked yet.  You can change this by modifying the "autoload" attribute in the config.daml - Set this to false.

    <insertModule id="acme_mainModule" caption="Acme" 
                  className="MainModule" autoLoad="false">
      <!--Declare additional customizations here..-->



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Occasional Contributor

Thanks Uma for the response.  I have tried that and also set my button's loadOnClick="false" as well.  I think that the problem is that I am using a custom condition.

<insertCondition id="Controls_Button_condition" caption="Button Controls">
<!-- our condition is set true or false based on this underlying state -->
<state id="button_state"/>

I believe that the condition is evaluated to be false or disabled button at startup.  I have no way of setting "button_state" on startup.  I have successfully changed the state after running the program and the button will switch between enabled and disabled as I want it to.  I just need the button to be enabled on startup and currently, the button starts out disabled.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Sam,

One way you can do this -

In your Module class' Initialize override, you can subscribe to an event such as the ProjectOpenedEvent. The event handler can set your custom state.  This way when a project opens, your states will get evaluated immediately.

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Occasional Contributor

This sounds hopeful....  I'm not sure how to accomplish what you are suggesting.  There is an override in my module now:

protected override bool CanUnload()
//TODO - add your business logic
//return false to ~cancel~ Application close
return true;

Can I use this one or do I need to define another override?  Also, I am not sure how to subscribe to the ProjectOpenedEvent or how to use the event handler.  I guess I am in a little over my head on this one. 

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Occasional Contributor

Success!!   I found the following code and was able to get it to work.

protected override bool Initialize() //Called when the Module is initialized.      
   ProjectOpenedEvent.Subscribe(OnProjectOpened); //subscribe to Project opened event          
   return base.Initialize();       

private void OnProjectOpened(ProjectEventArgs obj) //Project Opened event handler      
   MessageBox.Show($"{Project.Current} has opened"); //show your message box  
   //Put the button code here to activate or deactivate    

protected override void Uninitialize() //unsubscribe to the project opened event      
   ProjectOpenedEvent.Unsubscribe(OnProjectOpened); //unsubscribe          

Thank you so much for your help..... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
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